Monday, June 21, 2010

Menu Plan June 21 - 25

We pretty much failed at our menu plan last week.  I can't remember what happened, exactly (other than I forgot to thaw out the Cornish game hens, I do remember that), but we ended up getting take out twice.  Twice!  Shocking.

Anyway, on to a new week.  We had my family over on Saturday for a Father's Day dinner, and I grilled enough fajitas for about 40 people (there were 13 of us, including all the kids).  So we're having lots of leftovers this week, and it's time to get creative!  Here's the plan:

Tonight:  we had leftover fajitas.
Tomorrow:  Stuffed peppers
Wednesday:  Sausage and pepper penne (this will use our leftover peppers and onions.  I just have to figure out how to make this a make-ahead - I'll let you know!)
Thursday:  salad topped with our choice of chicken or steak (using the leftover fajita meat)
Friday:  Spaghetti

Should be a good week!  Remember, for tons of menu ideas each week, check out Menu Plan Monday at!

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